Thursday, March 26, 2009

low self-esteem attack

i've got so many things on my hands, i've really no idea at all if i can make it.

i'm so afraid of not doing everything well or worse, screwing everything up.

i keep agreeing to do everything and i think i'm going to burn out again soon..

but, i really do enjoy what i've been tasked to do and stuff..

in a huge dilemma right now..

met up with HT just now. long meeting. more duties/responsibilities/tasks.

i really cannot justify to myself why i'm still doing all these. i can't understand why i'd let myself be sucked back into that horrible place again..

just what am i trying to prove, and who to, i cannot tell.

so many things weighing on me. and i still have to keep rested and sane enough for my job.

Lord, help me.

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