Monday, March 02, 2009


heys! :)

you're probably never going to see this but i want to say this anyway.

thanks for appearing, thanks for being such a great friend..

i've more than a few good/great friends, and i've called more than a few people bros. but you're like the older brother i never had.

we're so alike in many ways, and we have so many coincidences in our lives. it's freaky! and uncanny. and i can't understand why we've never met until now.

you're so different from all the other people i've known and are in my life. i've never known anyone whose thoughts and opinions are so in line with mine. i haven't been able to discuss things on such an intellectual level with anyone else

thank you for being the one i can open up to. thank you for allowing me to share my burdens.

thank you for allowing me to share your stories.

thank you for daring to pursue your dreams, so that me pursuing my dreams doesn't seem so unreasonable after all.

thank you for all that you've said and done.

thank you for coming into my life.

thank you for caring.

thanks for everything brother.

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