Sunday, March 29, 2009


i've been choosy about food.

got LOA.

and i regurgitated all of my lunch. (which was great food that i like, by the way)

if you who reads this understands what this means, well, i need you.

The Will of God

The Will of God will never take you,
where the grace of God cannot keep you,
where the arms of God cannot support you,
where the riches of God cannot supply your needs,
where the power of God cannot endow you.

The Will of God will never take you,
where the spirit of God cannot work through you,
where the wisdom of God cannot teach you,
where the army of God cannot protect you,
where the hands of God cannot mold you,

The Will of God will never take you,
where the love of God cannot enfold you,
where the mercies of God cannot sustain you,
where the peace of God cannot calm your fears,
where the authority of God cannot overrule you.

The Will of God will never take you,
where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears,
where the Word of God cannot feed you,
where the miracles of God cannot be done for you,
where the omnipresence of God cannot find you.

Author Unknown

Thursday, March 26, 2009


i have been baptised as Audrey Esther Tsan today. :)

it's been a really long and windy road.. from knowing and believing, to straying and back again, it's been a looong 7 years 6 months and 4 days.

Lord, there's so much to thank You for.

i was born Audrey, but i chose to be baptised as Audrey Esther.

firstly because Audrey is such a huge part of my identity.

Esther because the name means star. i want to be a star in the dark night sky, bringing light and hope to all in the world.

Esther also because Queen Esther in the book of Esther encompasses a lot of the qualities i myself would love to have, such as wisdom, courage and compassion.

nearly 21 years ago, i was born Audrey Tsan.

today, i'm thankful for the chance to be born again as Audrey Esther Tsan.

thank you Lord, for all that you've done for me. for staying with me. for loving even me.

low self-esteem attack

i've got so many things on my hands, i've really no idea at all if i can make it.

i'm so afraid of not doing everything well or worse, screwing everything up.

i keep agreeing to do everything and i think i'm going to burn out again soon..

but, i really do enjoy what i've been tasked to do and stuff..

in a huge dilemma right now..

met up with HT just now. long meeting. more duties/responsibilities/tasks.

i really cannot justify to myself why i'm still doing all these. i can't understand why i'd let myself be sucked back into that horrible place again..

just what am i trying to prove, and who to, i cannot tell.

so many things weighing on me. and i still have to keep rested and sane enough for my job.

Lord, help me.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


even before it all started.

how am i going to make it?!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Sunday, March 08, 2009


lots of inspiration from yesterday's bmc message.

and my new bff.

things might not be so bad after all.

but i'm still worried.

Thursday, March 05, 2009




















Wednesday, March 04, 2009

internal battle

received a call last night which is causing me to fight a huge battle with myself now..

all the memories of old came rushing back. now, just what is it with this season and all these memories?!

but the point is, i've been asked to, and has made, a decision which i've no idea whether it's appropriate.

i feel the obligations, the responsibility. i don't want to regret not going back, yet i've come to love the smile on my face and the twinkle in my eye.

i'm going back. to where my smile will soon vanish and my eyes will no longer be friendly.

i'm going back. to where i gave my best, my all. but where hurt me most.

i'm going back. to not regret. yet live with other regrets.

i can feel my loneliness in the days to come. i can feel my isolation and helplessness. i can feel my friends leaving me once more, and being an angry little person all over again. knowing that i am indeed happier without it. but i made the decision to go back once more.

don't ask me why. i've no idea either. but i do feel obliged. and responsible.

probably, what i want more than any other thing is for a chance to redeem myself and make things right again.

perhaps, the place which taught me to pursue perfectionism is the very place to teach me not to pursue perfectionism.

possibly, the only place where i can find my lost self-esteem, self-dignity and self-confidence is the very place where i lost it all.

maybe, it's merely my foolish pride.

tell me friends, once again, that you will stand by me and support me. tell me that you will not leave me nor forsake me. tell me that when my tears start falling again, you will be there to help me dry them. tell me that i won't be alone. tell me that i'm not fighting a battle by myself.

when i've lost my smile, tell me that you're still my friend. when i've lost the twinkle in my eye, tell me that you would still hang out with me.

when i become a porcupine once more, call me and ask about me. when i'm moody, know that i'm angry at myself and not reject me. when i'm all dejected, cheer me up.

when i'm all alone, please do not leave me.

Monday, March 02, 2009


heys! :)

you're probably never going to see this but i want to say this anyway.

thanks for appearing, thanks for being such a great friend..

i've more than a few good/great friends, and i've called more than a few people bros. but you're like the older brother i never had.

we're so alike in many ways, and we have so many coincidences in our lives. it's freaky! and uncanny. and i can't understand why we've never met until now.

you're so different from all the other people i've known and are in my life. i've never known anyone whose thoughts and opinions are so in line with mine. i haven't been able to discuss things on such an intellectual level with anyone else

thank you for being the one i can open up to. thank you for allowing me to share my burdens.

thank you for allowing me to share your stories.

thank you for daring to pursue your dreams, so that me pursuing my dreams doesn't seem so unreasonable after all.

thank you for all that you've said and done.

thank you for coming into my life.

thank you for caring.

thanks for everything brother.