Thursday, November 08, 2007

my friends

i'm losing all my friends, one by one.

all the people whom i used to see really often and were really close to.

erene, farah, hsiao ling, lizi, cheryl, yeow chin.. even people like alex, mingyang, zili..

cos i'm perpetually more preoccupied with something else.

cos i'm always too busy.

cos i didn't put in the effort.

i don't make friends easily. close friends are rare and far between for me. yet i can't even keep the few i have.

and in the days to come, i'll only lose even more. cos of my schedule, cos of the nature of my work. cos when i'm free, i'm more interested on catching up on sleep and trying to complete my case study or what not.

but it's probably all for the best. i'm such a lousy person to be with. i'm better off alone. this self-imposed isolation is just best for everyone.

but i just want you guys to know that you have a place in my heart. and i'll always count you among my best friends.

just, don't forget that i was ever once in your life.

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