brought maureen along.. so glad she enjoyed herself..
rushed down for BHN exam after that and met some really cute WSS cadets..
anyway, point here is.. the PICS..!!
Settling down to colour the pictures they selected..

All the completed works.. mine is the one at the bottom-left corner..

Shawn pointing to his masterpiece (top-left corner)

Yi Wei pointing to his masterpiece (top row, 3rd from left)

Gilbert and his masterpiece (3rd column, 2nd piece)

the kids enjoyed themselves soo much..!! and i'm amazed that eveyone could settle down to colour quietly.. (they were all boys..) the kids did really well too..!!
The Winners..!!




My FAVE pic!! (From left to right: Shawn, me, Gilbert, Yi Wei, Gary.)

From left to right: Shawn, Gilbert, me, Gary.
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