Sunday, September 13, 2009

1 year on

1 year has passed since you left us.. how have you been? i never thought i'd miss you as much as i do.. i mean, in your later years, i wasn't all that close to you.. i visited once maybe in a couple of months, often times longer.. it wasn't until the last few months that i visited more, saw you regularly.. yet looking back, it feels like just superficial hanging around, pretending to fulfill my piety duties..

returning on impulse to spend that last night with you, yet not saying goodbye when i left for fear of disturbing you. that broke my heart. it did then, it still does now.

crazily eating all the egg ball biscuits i could find to try and capture memories of you was my way of trying to deal with it then.

when i found the exact egg ball biscuit you used to buy for me a few days ago, my heart filled with joy at the thought that i could once again feel you by my side. yet the disappointment that followed when i realized that things won't ever be the same, ever, was crushing.

these 2 years have got to be the worst in my life so far, and to deal with the loss of you just made things so much more horrible.

i was in no mood to celebrate my first birthday without you. the festivals that followed your passing feels weird.

are you safe in paradise now? have you prepared a room for me?
i miss you ah gong.

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